Josef FRITZ earned his doctorate in law from the University of Vienna and began his career as a trained banker. After a successful career, he quickly reached the top leadership level at Austria's second-largest bank. At the age of 37, Josef FRITZ was appointed to the board of a joint-stock company and served for 20 years in top management as CEO, CFO, and Managing Director in corporations and family businesses.
His experience comes from both corporate and family enterprises in various sectors, including banking, construction, hospitality, tourism, private equity, M&A, production, trade, system gastronomy/franchise, and real estate.
His extensive knowledge of supervisory boards is the result of participation in more than a thousand supervisory board, advisory board, executive board, and foundation meetings, as well as annual general meetings, syndicate meetings, and boards, both nationally and internationally, over the last three decades. His experiences in Europe, the USA, and Asia have shaped him, and for over 20 years, he has shared his knowledge as a lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and currently at the Danube University Krems.
Since 2013, Josef FRITZ has served as the Managing Partner of BOARD SEARCH GmbH. He is a specialist author, keynote speaker, moderator, organizer of the Forum Aufsichtsrat, and the initiator of the world's first Supervisory Board Gala in 2015, which honors excellence in supervisory boards.