Nora Hofbauer





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Curriculum Vitae

Fiona Giselbrecht-Köck studied law at the University of Linz and at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. After completing her studies, Fiona Giselbrecht-Köck began her professional career in legal consulting with a focus on commercial and labour law in international law firms

Her move to strategic HR consulting in 2018 paved the way for a professional reorientation. Since October 2020, Fiona Giselbrecht-Köck has been supporting the P&P team at its headquarters in Vienna as a consultant specialising in personnel search and selection, business development and international projects and heads up the project management and recruiting team at the Vienna office. Since November 2022, Fiona Giselbrecht-Köck has been studying Human Resource Management at the Danube University Krems.

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